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Children attend the first part of the main Morning Service with their families after which they leave for their respective groups.


Once a month, we hold a family service, in which the children play a major part.


Pre-schoolers congregate in the Church Hall and parents are encouraged to stay with their children. There are craft activities, stories and toys to play with.


The Sunday School is split into two groups:

- Junior Sunday School is for children in reception to Year 3

- Senior Sunday School is for Year 4 and above


Both groups follow the main Christian festivals.


- Bible study and other related subjects

- Craft activities

- Discussion groups


We have an experienced Safeguarding Officer (Claire Duffield) and Children’s Champion (Sandra Phillips). They are responsible for safety and protection of children within our congregation. If you have any questions or concerns about any child, please don’t hesitate to contact them.


St Matthew's Nativity Play is an excellent opportunity for all of the children to showcase their many talents – acting, singing, dancing and playing musical instruments.

020 8567 3820 (vicarage) / 07497 477 665 (admin)

St Matthew's Church, North Common Road, London W5 2QA

© 2019  St Matthew's Church

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